Volunteer Now are encouraging people throughout Northern Ireland to volunteer for next summer’s World Police and Fire Games (WPFG) 1-10 August 2013.
The Games will involve 10,000 competitors from over 70 countries competing in more than 60 sports. It is also expected that more than 15,000 of the athletes’ families and friends will take the opportunity to visit Northern Ireland.
It will provide an opportunity to showcase Northern Ireland’s ability to organise and host major events and impress visitors with our friendliness and capacity to deliver a spectacular successful Games.
Some 3,500 volunteers will be needed to help make the 2013 Games the friendliest ever. There are many roles available, which will give people with a range of skills the chance to be a part of this once in a lifetime opportunity. You could be volunteering within the Opening and Closing Ceremony or the Athletes’ Village, or perhaps roles within sport, accreditation, transport, media, welcome ambassadors, media… and many more.
Recruitment is underway and the online volunteer application process will finish on 31st October 2012. To find out more or apply online go to www.2013wpfg.com or email 2013wpfg@volunteernow.co.uk.
2013 World Police and Fire Games Volunteer Recruitment is now live, go to www.2013wpfg.com/volunteers for more information
Volunteer Now delivers services across Northern Ireland. We have offices in Belfast, Broughshane, Enniskillen and Newry.
Tel: 028 9023 2020 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 028 9023 2020 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Email: info@volunteernow.co.uk Web: www.volunteernow.co.uk
Membership of Volunteer Now is free and open to anyone with an interest in volunteering. Sign up today at www.volunteernow.co.uk/membership