November Newsletter 2021
Latest News
PEACE PLUS Programme 2021-2027 Summary of Consultation Responses
The PEACE PLUS Programme is a new €1bn, cross-border, EU funding programme, which will contribute to a more peaceful, prosperous and stable society in Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland. The Summary of Consultation Responses Report can be viewed here.
Consultation on the draft Green Growth Strategy for Northern Ireland
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is delighted to present this consultation on the draft Green Growth Strategy on behalf of the Northern Ireland Executive and look forward to hearing your views. This Green Growth Strategy sets out an ambitious vision and a framework for delivery with which all other NI government policies and strategies must align. It provides us with a vitally important opportunity to embed wider climate change, a green economy and environmental considerations into decision making. Extensive engagement with organisations and individuals has taken place to prepare this draft Green Growth Strategy. They want you to tell them what you think of their assessment of the situation, what needs to change, and the commitments and infrastructure needs and priorities going forward. You can respond to this consultation online through their survey by clicking here. The survey is quick and simple to complete and seeks views on their vision, principles, proposed approach, delivery and monitoring. Closing date for feedback: 1/12/2021
NICVA Offering Free Training to Faith Based Groups
NICVA have a range of free online training and learning opportunities coming up aimed at assisting faith based groups engaged in community development. The new series of webinars available for faith based groups and organisations covers governance, fundraising and communication but they are also open to you telling them what you need to engage in and support communities. Sessions run right up until February 2022. All sessions are offered online and so are very accessible. To view the full list of opportunities to learn and develop new skills, please click here.
The Asda Foundation- Investing in Spaces and Places grant
The Asda Foundation supports small, grass roots organisations in several ways throughout the year. Working with Asda’s Community Champions in store, we are able to work with a range of organisations and groups on a variety of local community projects. Investing in Spaces and Places is a new higher value Asda Foundation grant for local groups aimed at improving community spaces and places where local people can be together and thrive. The first round of Investing in Spaces and Places Grants is now open and grants range from £5,000 to £25,000. Closing date: 9/1/2022. For details on eligibility and how to apply, please click here.
Ulster Garden Villages- The Common Fund
Ulster Garden Villages Limited around allocates funds to projects within Northern Ireland that in general will improve the quality of life in the local community. As one of the largest grant-making trusts in Northern Ireland UGV gives grants totalling in the region of £1.5m each year. Main focus of your project must address one of the following issues:
- Health
- Disadvantaged sections of our society
- Young people
- Culture & Heritage
- The Environment.
In addition to outright grants, assistance may be given by way of loans which may carry certain conditions at the discretion of the Committee. For further guidelines and details on how to apply, please click here. Closing date: 9/11/2021.
Upcoming Events
Election 2022 Engagement Series
With the NI Assembly Election due to be held in May 2022, NICVA have invited each of the five main parties to participate in an engagement event with the Voluntary and Community Sector. The events will provide a platform for the voluntary and community sector to engage with the five main political parties prior to the May 2022 NI Assembly Election. This engagement process will also be an opportunity for each of the political parties to hear from the sector and learn about their concerns and the challenges they are facing. The event will be split into three main sections examining Communities, Rights and Equality Issues, Children, Young People and Education, and Health. Each section will have a dedicated 25-minute slot. During this time the party spokesperson on the subject will give a brief introduction before the question-and-answer session commences.
Those confirmed and open for bookings are:
- A seat with the DUP – 19 November, 10.30am
- A seat with the SDLP – 23 November, 10.30am
- A seat with the UUP – 2 December, 10.30am
This is an online event. For further information and details on attending and submitting questions, please click here.