January Newsletter 2022

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The Independent Review Panel of Charity Regulation in NI (the Panel) was set up to review how well the charities regulatory framework is working and what could work better.  As part of the Review, the Panel held engagement meetings last year to seek the views from various stakeholders including trustees, workers and advisors of charities of different sizes, as well as specific sessions for funders, solicitors, accountants, governance advisors and the general public. The panel will provide an overview of its findings and recommendations and there will be an opportunity for a short Q&A on Thursday 20th January at 2PM. For further information please click here.


Health Trust vaccination hubs are now open for walk-in boosters for anyone aged 16 and over who is at least three months from their second vaccine dose. Children aged 12-15 years of age, who are in a clinical risk group, can now also receive a booster dose if they are more than three months beyond receipt of their second dose. At times, there can be a very strong demand for boosters. People are asked to be patient in the event of any queues. You can book a vaccination appointment slot at these hubs. At the present time, only certain groups can book using this service. If you do not meet any of the following criteria you may still be eligible for a vaccination at your GP surgery, local pharmacy or a trust walk-in clinic.

  • For first or second COVID-19 vaccinations you must be one of the following:
    • you are over 16 years old
    • you are 12 – 15 years old
  • For booster COVID-19 vaccinations you must be one of the following:
    • you are over 18 years old
    • you are over 12 years old and have previously received a letter from your GP/Trust clinician specifically stating that you require a 3rd primary dose of a COVID-19 vaccine you are over 16 years old and have a severe underlying health condition
    • you are over 16 years old and you live in a household with an immunosuppressed person who has received a letter from their GP/Trust clinician
  •  For 3rd primary COVID-19 (not a booster) vaccinations you must be one of the following:
    • you are over 12 years old and have received a letter from your GP/Trust clinician specifically stating that you require a 3rd primary dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
  •  For Flu vaccinations you must be one of the following:
    • you are over 18 years old and a health & social care worker in a Trust in Northern Ireland


The Northern Ireland Executive and the Minister for Communities, Deirdre Hargey MLA have provided COVID recovery funding for charities and social enterprises and a range of other not-for-profit organisations. Community Finance Ireland will deliver the COVID Recovery Programme for Charities & Social Enterprises with the aim of reducing or removing operating deficits in eligible organisations which have arisen in the 2021/22 financial year because of the COVID pandemic. The COVID Recovery Programme for Charities & Social Enterprises will support eligible organisations which have been negatively affected by the pandemic in the financial year 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022; and which have a financial operating deficit during that period which is attributable to COVID. NICVA will provide on-going independent advice for charities from today right through until the closing date of 28th January 2022. For further information please click here.


As part of Libraries NI’s ‘Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing’, they are offering you the opportunity to take part in a program of online health and wellbeing events to help you stay well, be active and keep connected. A program of Chair Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Tai Chi sessions will take place from today until 15th March 2022. Chair Yoga is a gentle form of exercise suitable for everyone. It helps improve your flexibility and also supports concentration and strength, while boosting your mood, and reducing stress and joint strain. Hatha Yoga is a form of yoga that places special attention on controlled breathing and posture. The benefits of Hatha yoga which include better sleep, strengthening core muscles, improving depression symptoms and helping with stress. Tai Chi is a form of exercise that is used to support reducing stress and anxiety. It also helps increase flexibility and balance. For further information please click here.

Upcoming Events

The Department for Communities launch COVID Recovery Programme for Organisations to reduce or remove operating deficits, which have arisen in the 2021/22 financial year because of the pandemic. The programme’s overarching aim is to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on not-for-profit organisations in the culture, arts, languages, heritage, sports, charities and social enterprise sectors. NICVA is holding an online information session on the Department for Communities COVID Recovery Programme for Organisations 2022.

Register for session two on 12 January 2022 – 12:00pm to 1:00pm.

For further information and details on how to register, please click here.

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