Arts Council NI – Arts and Older People Programme 2013 – 2016
The Arts and Older People Programme 2013 – 2016 aims to strengthen the voice of older people and promote positive mental health and emotional well-being through the arts.
The programme is aimed at constituted community and voluntary groups who are working at a local level to support older people and can demonstrate strong partnership working with relevant age sector organisations and Local Authority initiatives e.g. Health Cities/ Healthy Communities.
This programme is also open to non-governmental organisations, Local Authorities and arts organisations who can clearly demonstrate partnership working with older people.
Themes of the Programme (Projects must meet one or more of the following strategic themes):
Isolation and Loneliness;
Social Inclusion
Health Issues/Dementia including Mental Health and Emotional Well-being and
Strengthening the Voice of Older People.
The Arts and Older Peoples Programme requires match funding. The minimum partnership funding you need to demonstrate from non-Lottery, non-Arts Council sources is 10%, half of which, (i.e. half of the partnership element), must be in cash.
How to Apply
Applications will identify ways in which they meet the strategic themes of the programme and link with older people initiatives at a local and regional level. Projects will range in scale from £10,000 – £30,000 and can include training and development opportunities for artists and project staff, as well as creative activities for older people.
For more information on how to apply and to view more details please visit:
The deadline for completed application is Thursday 19 June 2014 at 3pm.